
found in him

I am changing. I can feel it like I can feel the seasons changing. It's subtle, definitely gradual, not really a bad thing. It just kind of sneaks up on me and rearranges my lifestyle. I guess it's all a part of transition.

In some ways, I'm amazed at how easy this transition has been. I moved to America from Africa - doesn't that warrant some fireworks in my emotional makeup or something? Fireworks didn't happen. Nothing really happened. The adjustment to college in America has been so easy and smooth for the most part.

That wasn't something I expected, partly because I was never one of the kids who couldn't wait to get out of the house. Up until the end, I was content to be with my family. I didn't push much to get more independence. My parents always gave me quite a bit of independence, and I was never in a big hurry to be grown up.

So it threw me for a loop when I slipped into America, college life, and much greater independence like it was something for which I'd been preparing for years. Maybe I was. Or maybe God was preparing me for it. I imagine that's a bit more likely.

And now I'm changing. I slipped into this world, and now the influences in it are shaping me. I pray that these changes are good, that my priorities are staying right. I pray that the part of me that is chasing after God's heart grows through this time, and that I become more and more like him. I want these years to lessen the parts of me that change from culture to culture and reveal the part of me that is true and unchanged by the world.

Because in the end, the important thing is not where in the world I'm found; it's that I'm found in God.

1 comment:

  1. I think that there are no fireworks, and that the changes are smooth because you're already FROM America. And you've also been to Africa and other places as well.

    Perhaps if I were to go to America or to Africa, it would be a blessed change, but it won't be easy. I've never been out of my country, so I know it'll be a tough but hopefully a blessed one, when I get there.

    Love your blogs as always. :)
