
risks and stuff

Sometimes days go by and suddenly I realize it's been a week or a month or way too long since I really took a risk.

Here's a bit of information about my personality: I change things up compulsively. I can't stand mundane. If things fall into a schedule, I feel a powerful compulsion to make a change. As a result, I tend to be spontaneous and random, especially at times when order is probably called for.

Sometimes I like to pretend like this means I'm taking risks and living on the edge, because it's nice to label myself a risk-taker when I do nutty things like dropping my whole routine in favor of doing something exciting and maybe a little dangerous. The truth is, it's not the same. Spontaneity is hardly risky when my only aim is to get to a different outcome and shake life up.

Taking a risk means taking a chance on being hurt. I've been avoiding that - avoiding close relationships, avoiding investment, avoiding the deep kind of honesty that hurts sometimes.

In the next couple of weeks, I'm hoping to take some risks. I need to do and say some things that might hurt. I need to open up and be the person that God wants me to be.

It's gonna be an adventure, guys. Join me. We aren't supposed to be controlled by fear. Let's live like God's right behind us every step of the way. Because he absolutely forever is.

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