
a little over four hours till monday

Weekends are pretty cool things. The only problem I can really see with them is that that weekend-ends are weekdays, and the drudgery restarts itself.

I guess I asked for it. Lofty terms such as "good education," "intellectual," and "academically sound," float across the surface of my subconscious and I remember that I like learning. Yes, I like learning. Honest I do.

It's the time orientation that gets to me. Midterms, papers, be-in-class-at-8-sharp-or-else. Stuff like that. Call me crazy, but I love being in class. Most professors teach because they love their field of expertise, and that's so cool to me. I like just kind of soaking up all the knowledge they want to impart. Tests...I'm okay with them, but they take something away from my love of learning in some ways. I wish I could go back in time and discuss philosophy on Mars Hill or something, except that I'm female and wouldn't have been allowed.

So I'm not ready for the weekend to be over. I'm not ready to fall back into a schedule that demands my constant attention. I like being able to drift along, unaware of time. At the same time, I guess I'm pretty okay with it. My mind is reveling in all the new information, so I guess I can make it work a little at maintaining a diligent schedule.

Crazy time oriented world.

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